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Get The Facts

California’s healthcare system is in crisis. In rural and urban communities alike, hospitals are closing. In recent years, more than 40 California hospitals have stopped offering labor and delivery services. Emergency rooms are overrun. Patients cannot get in to see a doctor or specialist when they need. 


The Coalition to Protect Access to Care, a coalition of doctors, healthcare workers, community health centers, Planned Parenthood, health plans and emergency responders, is supporting a ballot measure to permanently use dedicated funding to help hospitals, clinics and doctors’ offices stay open. 


Without raising taxes on individuals, the measure will bring more federal funds back to California and improve access to critical health care services. Specifically, the initiative would:

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Provide funds to keep hospitals and doctors’ offices open, and expand access to healthcare – without raising taxes.

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Provide more funding for primary and specialty care, mental health, expanded emergency room access, affordable prescription drugs, family planning, dental care, and to hire more healthcare workers.

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Ensure that healthcare dollars are actually spent on patient care, requiring 99% of the money raised to go to patient care while ensuring administrative expenses are limited to 1%.

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Expand our state’s education and training to create a pipeline of health care workers and providers,  including nurses, physician assistants, dentists and medical assistants. 

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General Fact Sheet

Fact Sheet for Clinics

Fact Sheet for Hospitals

Fact Sheet for Dentists

En Español

Fact Sheet for Physicians

Fact Sheet for Kids

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